Design With Others
During this seminar, we've been introduced to themes like power structures, inclusivity, and sustainability through essential concepts as otherness, individual and collective agency, and degrowth.
Day I: Design Justice with Dr. Marta Delatte
On the first day, we had the privilege of hearing from guest lecturer Dr. Marta Delatte, who introduced the concept of "How to do things with Design Justice." Her discussion emphasized the crucial roles of inclusivity and representation in shaping societies and highlighted how power structures significantly influence the frameworks we live within.
Dr. Delatte also presented the Matrix of Domination, a theoretical model crafted by Patricia Hill Collins. This framework provides a comprehensive way to analyze the interplay of privilege and oppression across various dimensions, offering a holistic perspective on social hierarchies and inequalities.
As exercise at the end of the lesson, we've been divided into groups to work on a case study through the matrix of domination. My group proposes "Hostility (Hostile Architecture) in public spaces."
Public power often commissions design solutions that act as tools of control, prioritizing the interests of a small privileged group while masking or ignoring real problems. In many cases, design is wielded to obscure the needs and issues of marginalized populations, rendering them "invisible" in ways that align with the preferences of those in power. By deliberately shaping solutions to benefit the few, some designers contribute to perpetuating systemic inequalities, highlighting how design can be both a mechanism of oppression and a means of reinforcing existing power structures.
Day II: Eemeemee - Enclave Micopirata Mutante
The Enclave Micopirata Mutante (eemeemee) embodies the principles of collaboration and mutualism, serving as a decentralized community network dedicated to sharing knowledge and practices in DIY mycology. Through distributed nodes, eemeemee facilitates asynchronous yet interconnected activities, creating a space where participants explore alternative frameworks for ecological and social interactions. The Wetlab at Hangar is one of the primary venues where this collective gathers to conduct research and connect with related projects.
This initiative aligns with broader themes of "otherness" and identity explored during the "Design with Others" course. Discussions delved into how organisms like fungi and slime molds exemplify mutualism over competition, challenging capitalist paradigms and inspiring bio-informed design practices. Projects like Marzia’s exploration of cultivating mycelium from her body blur boundaries between the self and environment, while Oscar’s work with slime molds demonstrates their potential to inspire problem-solving through complex networks.
By integrating the lessons of eemeemee with critical concepts like intersectionality and epistemic decolonization, the importance of embracing diverse perspectives and alternative knowledge systems becomes clear. Eemeemee’s practices provide a tangible model of inclusive, community-driven design that challenges hierarchies and celebrates symbiotic relationships as a foundation for empowerment and innovation.
Day III: Mutan Monkeys
Laura’s exploration in the Sound Lab delves deeply into how speculative fiction and design can be transformative tools. She references the idea of imagining “plausible, preferable, and possible futures” as articulated by speculative designers like Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby. Fiction, in her view, is not only a narrative device but also a critical lens for addressing systemic issues by projecting utopian or dystopian futures to challenge the present's status quo.
She critiques constructs like borders as "perverse fictions" with dire hyperreal consequences, highlighting their roles in perpetuating biopolitical and necropolitical violence. Her discourse also reflects on the artistic and philosophical intersections of speculative practices. She advocates for experimenting with living materials and technologies, presenting them as extensions of the human experience and critical tools for rethinking societal norms.
A pivotal part of Laura's dialogue is her emphasis on situated epistemologies, a concept drawn from Donna Haraway. She argues that knowledge is deeply rooted in its social, cultural, and material context and critiques universalist approaches that ignore diversity and power dynamics. This philosophy is exemplified in initiatives like Open Source Estrogen, which not only challenge biotechnological control but also engage queer, feminist, and anti-colonial perspectives.
Her emphasis on experimentation and co-creation within the Sound Lab aligns with fostering critical dialogues, expanding the scope of design beyond traditional boundaries, and engaging with both human and non-human agents in meaningful ways.
Good Praxis
The last day of Design With Others emphasized a shift from the concept of "otherness" toward "togetherness," focusing on collective interdependence rather than individualism. One of the standout projects, TransPlant, demonstrated how technology, such as NFC chips, could be repurposed and hacked to subvert control systems. This approach aligns with Karen Barad’s theory of intra-action, which highlights how relationships themselves transform through interaction.
The discussion also delved into third landscapes, with Barcelona’s Carmel bunkers serving as an example of spaces where mutualism can thrive, offering opportunities for reterritorialization outside traditional Darwinian competition. Arnau’s presentation on degrowth art further underscored the importance of minimizing consumption and championing low-tech, socially focused design solutions.
These discussions raised critical questions about sustainability: Who truly benefits from these efforts? Are the relationships formed through this work reciprocal or exploitative? Arnau shared his personal boundaries, such as his decision to avoid flying, illustrating the balance between adhering to principles and maintaining personal well-being. Together, these ideas reinforced the need to approach sustainability not only as an ecological goal but as a deeply relational and ethical practice.
Key Works and References
Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby: Speculative Design practices.
Ursula K. Le Guin: Science fiction narratives; quote from her advocacy of alternative societal models.
Donna Haraway: Situated Knowledges, Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium.
Critical Art Ensemble: Bioparanoia and the Culture of Control (2011).
Tactical Biopolitics: Art, Activism, and Technoscience: Compilation of essays on biotechnological interventions in art and design.
Mary Maggic: Open Source Estrogen project.
Nick Bostrom: Transhumanism as defined in his philosophical work.
Julian Huxley: Early texts linking transhumanism to eugenics (e.g., "Transhumanism").
Klaus Kinki: AnarchaGland project exploring the histories of gynecology.
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